How far
along? 20 weeks!
Total weight
gain: 7 - 8 lbs.
clothes? No way Jose.
marks? None
Sleep: Having some crazy insomnia. Thank God for Netflix
Best moment
this week: Seeing
YOU, little Jellybean! It's so reassuring to know everything is going
well and that you're developing properly :)
Anything? Being able to get through a whole
meal without nausea setting in. And I definitely miss being headache
free. So OVER these headaches.
Movement: You, little lady, are making your presence known!
You're going to have no problem keeping up with your big brother!
cravings: LEMON... which kind of stinks because I can't get
enough lemonade and it's causing some crazy indigestion. I'm also craving
Starbucks. You can imagine how much your dad appreciates my constant $6
coffee cravings ;)
making you queasy or sick: Nothing consistent... I
was really excited about a veggie burrito the other day, ate 1/3 & then had
to throw the rest away because it turned gross.
Gender: Little Lady
Signs: No.
Symptoms: Headaches. Luckily they aren't happening as often as they
were, but they're still lingering which stinks. Insomnia & random
bouts of nausea.
Belly Button
in or out? Out
rings on or off? On
Happy or
Moody most of the time: Definitely having
some mood swings... And I get especially moody if hunger hits and food isn't
within my immediate reach haha Headaches make me pretty moody too, poor
forward to: There's so much to look forward to
over the next few months, I can't help but feel blessed :) Can't wait to start
picking out furniture, especially for your room little Jellybean!
I have to
thank everyone for your kind words regarding names on IG! It's so hard to
choose the perfect name and it makes it even harder when people feel the need
to critique the names you're considering! Thankfully, Michael & I's
families are both very supportive of whatever we choose :) Right now I've
got 3 names in consideration, all of which I think are fitting for our little
Jellybean! Since I have decided to share, all I ask is that everyone be
respectful & keep in mind that this is our babies name, not yours, so no
need to tell us you knew a 'so & so' who used to eat boogers ;)
I've gotten a lot of heat for this name, but I absolutely
love it! I think it's so beautiful :) And I can totally picture a
little Lulu running abound our house!
Adore this name! Michael doesn't think it has a ring
to it, but if we did choose this name, I would be sure to nickname her Poppy :)
This is the
only name Michael and I have 100% agreed on! Beautiful, feminine, and
Michael appreciates that it derives from the Hebrew name Elia.
We've chosen
Elizabeth as her middle name because it's a prominent family name as well as my
middle name :)
So there ya
go, a little look into Lemons potential names!
18 Weeks
official, we're feeling some movements from our Little Lemon! She's
proving she'll have no problem keeping up with her older brother with each
little karate kick ;) And as you all know, our little miss finally has a
nickname! Lemon and because of that, I've also been calling her Lulu...
You know, it's only fitting ;) (could this possibly a sign that I need some new
Lulu Lemon leggings? I think so.)
How far
along? 18 weeks! Almost halfway there!
Total weight
gain: 6ish lbs
clothes? No way Jose.
marks? None
Sleep: Sleep? What sleep?
Best moment
this week: Opening
up my etsy shop was surely a highlight :) and going shopping at the outlets for
Lulu was surely a highlight as well!
Anything? Sleep & wishing these headaches
would STOP.
Movement: Yes! Not feeling a ton, but a kick here and there
cravings: LEMON, watermelon, and loving strawberry lemonade
gatorade :)
making you queasy or sick: Nothing really.
Gender: GIRL :) Can't wait to have this reconfirmed at our
20 week appointment. While I know the blood test is 99% accurate, I was
just so positive we were having a boy that I won't believe it 100% until I see
it on the ultra sound screen ;)
Labor Signs:
Symptoms: Headaches. Dr. sent us to the ER last weekend to
make sure all was okay since my headaches have been so painful and so ongoing.
Conclusion is that they're hormone related (thankfully nothing serious)
and I was prescribed Tylenol #3. I HATE taking any kind of medication
during pregnancy so it's been a real battle going back and forth on whether or
not to take medication. If I don't take it, I'm miserable and I'm sure
also miserable to be around, if I do take it I can actually function and get my
day to day tasks completed all whilst being the mom that I strive to be.
Did anyone else go through this? And did anyone else get prescribed
the same thing? I would love to try some natural alternatives. I'm
willing to try anything, especially anything I can take guilt free. (and
please, no unkind comments. Every pregnancy is different and we all have
the best interest of our children in mind.)
Belly Button
in or out? In/Out
rings on or off? On
Happy or
Moody most of the time: Headaches definitely making me
forward to: Seeing Lulu in 2 weeks! Oh, and
my birthday :)
15 weeks!
Not going to lie, I'm starting to freak out about having 2 kids under the age of 2. Beckett has become so active in the last month it's all I can do to keep up with him!
How far along? 15 weeks!
Total weight gain: Stepped on the scale yesterday... I've gained 5 lbs. in 1 month... maybe time to lay off the donuts?
Maternity clothes? I hate maternity clothes. I'll be avoiding them as long as possible
Stretch marks? Hoping not to get any!
Sleep: Sleeping like crap. I blame allergies.
Best moment this week: I would say the best moment of the last few weeks was finding out we're expecting a baby girl! And just continues my bad streak of gender guessing. It doesn't matter who you are, if I guess the gender, it's bound to be the opposite ;) Father's day was also a lot of fun!
Miss Anything? Wine, I was seriously jealous of everyone enjoying a glass last night at dinner! Movement: I've felt a few flutters! I'm not sure if it's baby or not though, pretty sure I didn't feel movement with B until I was around 20 weeks!
Food cravings: Lemon. And donuts, yum. And I'm not sure what wrong with me, but I've been craving arugula salad. Seriously? Who craves salad?
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still randomly getting nauseous, but it normally hits after I've taken my pre-natals. And I'm back to hating meat for the most part. I think it's safe to say I become a vegetarian when pregnant
Gender: GIRL :) I'm pretty sure we have a name! & I think we might be sharing before the baby is born this time! We just ask that if you don't like whatever we choose, you keep it to yourself ;)
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Totally bloated.
Belly Button in or out? It's like half half, it never went back to normal last time so I'm sure it'll pop out earlier this pregnancy.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both! Definitely have been moodier this time around though. Sure Michael would attest to that as well ;)
Looking forward to:Our appointment this Friday! Can't wait to hear baby's heartbeat :)
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12 week bump |
Total weight gain: 2.2 lbs... Which actually shocks me but also makes me super happy ha guess my daily donut run hasn't caught up with me yet ;)
Maternity clothes? Nope... And crazily enough, I'm still fitting into most of my shorts. Yay!
Stretch marks? Hoping not to get any!
Sleep: It depends on the night! Some nights I sleep amazing and others I'm up all night nauseous. But you won't hear me complain. If I'm going to have nausea, I'd rather have it at night when I can lay in bed than during the day when I'm chasing a toddler around :)
Best moment this week: Taking B to the pool :) I need to get some new swim suits... I'm busting out of my tops.
Miss Anything? Not really.
Movement: Can't image we will be feeling this for quite a while.
Food cravings: LEMON EVERYTHING. Especially Lemon popsicles. And it's gotta be real lemon, none of that artificially flavored crap. Yes, there's a difference.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Meat. Pretty sure the same as last time.
Gender: Definitely thinking boy :)
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Besides my night time nausea I really don't have any symptoms. I was just telling my BFF Paige that the only part of me that feels pregnant is my boobs haha
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of time :)
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender sometime in the next 2 weeks!! :)
How far along? 10 weeks
Total weight gain: None, but I swear I'm already showing, wtf?
Maternity clothes? Ha
Stretch marks? Hoping not to get any!
Sleep: Sleeping pretty well! Having some crazy dreams though. Last night it was that we were having triplets, WHOA.
Best moment this week: Figuring out that if I take my prenatals at night, I don't feel like death all day. I've actually been able to function these last few days!
Miss Anything? Not really. Just over the nausea, but like I said, taking my prenatals at night has helped a ton!
Movement: Can't image we will be feeling this for quite a while.
Food cravings: Cake donuts (which will be what makes me gain my first pound haha) And fruit... and lemon popsicles.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Most things don't sound good food wise. As long as what I'm eating is pretty simple and plain, my tum is happy.
Gender: Definitely thinking boy :)
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Nausea, exhaustion... That's about it!
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of time :)
Looking forward to: Beckett's first birthday in less than a week! And our ultra sound in a week & a half :) Can't wait to see our sweet little!
8 Weeks:
How far along? 8 Weeks!
Total weight gain: None
Maternity clothes? Again, how in the hell is my stomach totally popped out if I haven't gained any weight? haha looks like I need to get my rear in gear & start doing some prego workouts!
Stretch marks? Hoping not to get any!
Sleep: Sleeping like shit. Beckett must be getting ready to pop another tooth because he got up in the middle of the night last night and was ready to party.
Best moment this week: Getting settled into my in laws and this amazing weather! So disappointed it's supposed to snow Wednesday.
Miss Anything? Margarita's. I've been craving a beergarita like a mother trucker. I downed like 3 virgins when we went out to dinner this weekend.
Movement: Nothing besides a grumbly tummy.
Food cravings: Jalepeno's with cream cheese & anything else spicy. And I'm back on my frozen yogurt kick. Tart yogurt and strawberries, YUM
Anything making you queasy or sick: It's totally random. Some foods make me nauseous some days and not others and my 'morning' sickness makes an appearance whenever the hell it wants to.
Gender Prediction: Well, I thought I thought we were having a girl until I went to a diaper expo with my friend Paige. In my gift bag I got a pink Boppy cover and said, "damn! We aren't even going to be able to use this!" Her response, "oh, so you think you're having another boy?" :) So there ya have it!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Nausea & exhaustion
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but also moody. Sometimes I just want to punch my husband. I'm pretty sure just about everyone wants to at some point while they're pregnant? Hope I'm not alone on this haha
Looking forward to: Our ultra sound Wednesday!
6 Weeks:
How far along? 6 Weeks! I'm not really sure what my due date is yet, but the bump is labeling it December 7th... So these posts might not exactly line up with what I really am lol
Total weight gain: None
Maternity clothes? I swear I'm going to have to pull them out soon. Haven't gained a single pound, but my stomach is definitely grown since I first found out.
Stretch marks? Hoping not to get any!
Sleep: B didn't wake up at all last night, so I slept like a baby.
Best moment this week: Having Beckett's 1 year pictures taken, I am so excited to share them!
Miss Anything? Not feeling like a cow HA how can I only be 6 weeks in and feel like a whale?
Movement: Nothing besides a grumbly tummy
Food cravings: Jalepeno's. Anything spicy. And I swear my sweet tooth has gone from moderate to extreme.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I feel like my nausea gets a little worse each day. I pretty much get nauseous if I don't eat and I get nauseous after everything I do eat.
Gender: No idea :)
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Nausea, exhaustion, & I feel so bloated.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: So excited! It's killing me that we can't tell anyone yet! Although, I know our families are wondering. I never turn down a glass a wine when we go out or to their homes for dinner.
Looking forward to: Telling everyone! Only 2 weeks to go! We thought about waiting until 12 to share the news, but we want to be able to share the excitement with everyone we love. If anything happened we would be devastated whether or not anyone knew, so why not? :)
4 Weeks!
bye bye flat belly!
How far along? 4 Weeks :) Doctor confirmed our pregnancy yesterday!
Total weight gain: None
Maternity clothes? Ha
Stretch marks? Hoping not to get any!
Sleep: Definitely not sleeping well! Michael's not either... probably because we're so excited :)
Best moment this week: OBGYN confirming our pregnancy! And knowing our due date in going to be in December aka one of the best months of the year!
Miss Anything? Wine. And I'm totally bummed I'm not going to be pounding beergarita's at Beckett's first birthday haha
Movement: Can't image we will be feeling this for quite a while.
Food cravings: No cravings yet
Anything making you queasy or sick: Prenatal vitamins. I had no nausea and now that I'm taking my prenatal just about everything that isn't plain makes me nauseas
Gender: No idea :)
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Nausea & I'm feeling way bloated... which I don't remember feeling with Beckett.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy & very excited for baby #2
Looking forward to: Telling all our family & friends about our pregnancy!
Beckett Is Going To Be A Big Brother!
Yes, we are pregnant. & yes, this is what my day looks like :)
We were waaaay too excited to wait to tell everyone. Our original plan was to announce our pregnancy in 2 weeks after our first ultra sound, but last night we got to talking. The whole point of the ultra sound is to make sure baby is growing at the rate he/she should be and that all is well. If anything unplanned were to happen, we would be devastated whether or not our friends and family knew of our pregnancy, so why not share the excitement?
Plus, people were bound to find out because I NEVER turn down a glass of wine ;)
And I leave you with this, Beckett's reaction to my holding a newborn.
Praying this is not a preview of what's to come! :)
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Photo by Lora Swinson of Swinson Studios |
We were waaaay too excited to wait to tell everyone. Our original plan was to announce our pregnancy in 2 weeks after our first ultra sound, but last night we got to talking. The whole point of the ultra sound is to make sure baby is growing at the rate he/she should be and that all is well. If anything unplanned were to happen, we would be devastated whether or not our friends and family knew of our pregnancy, so why not share the excitement?
Plus, people were bound to find out because I NEVER turn down a glass of wine ;)
And I leave you with this, Beckett's reaction to my holding a newborn.
Praying this is not a preview of what's to come! :)
Ahh, love all 3 names, I had Penelope on mine too, but hubs was not going for it. I am partial to Ellia though, duh. You're such an adorable preggo!