Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Nuby Review: Sippy Cup

I hope you all had an amazing weekend!          

This morning I'm back with another Nuby review, possible my favorite thus far ;) 

I think we've bought and tried just about every sippy cup out there.  So many leak, break, or for some unknown reason, the kids don't like it. 

As soon as I pulled the Nuby No Spill Soft Spout out of the packaging, Ellia was all over it.  Girlfriend loves the color (she's such a girly girl already!)  

Unlike other spouted sippies we've tried, we didn't have to wear down the spout to get her drink flowing smoothly.  With other cups I've purchased the kids get so fed up (or I get frustrated enough to cut a hole big enough to drink out of), because until you wear in the spout a little bit,  fluid does not flow smoothly.

This might be the 'easiest to clean' sippy cup we own.  I generally purchase straw sippies.  Those are a bitch to clean... Especially if you forgot it in the car over the weekend and you have milk turned cheese stuck in it.  I love that I can put a little dish soap in the Nuby cup, shake it up, rinse, and I'm good to go in a rush.

Probably the biggest pro of this cup is that it doesn't leak, at all.  Even after being thrown from Ellia's high chair onto our tile floor countless times!  Because of this, the Nuby No Spill Soft Spout is the only sippy I will bring in the car.

Basically, we loved this sippy so much that we went out & bought another! 
If you'd like to try this cup for yourself you can find it here.
Thank you, Nuby, for another wonderful product! 

If you're interested in what else Nuby has to offer, check them out on the follow sites :) 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

18 months of Ellia

It seems absolutely unbelievable that you're already 18 months old!  You're walking, taking on your brothers old puzzles and doing everything in your power to keep up with him! 

 Like Beckett, you're pretty quiet and seem to be taking in as much as possible before you decide to verbalize your thoughts.  Also like Beckett, you are very expressive with your hands and instead of asking for things, you express your needs with your hands, or even do what you need on your own!

You LOVE our pets and you LOVE trying to lock yourself in the kennel with them.  You sneak their food every chance you get, sometimes for yourself & sometimes for them.

You are the definition of a spit fire!  We were out to dinner one night and a woman stopped me as we were walking out.  She said, "You've got your hands full with that one!"  I replied that yes, you are a very spirited child and the woman smiled and stated, "All the best girls are."  Truer words have never been spoken ;)

Changing your diaper requires the skill of a professional acrobat.  If I don't strategically have your diaper in within 2 seconds, you're ready to roll.  Sitting still is something you don't care to reconcile with!

You've also recently decided you don't like being restrained in your carseat.  Which makes for some rather unenjoyable car rides.  When Ellia ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

Your favorite food:  BANANA.  You would eat banana's for every meal of every day if I'd let you!  & you eat them in record time.  It's practically a magic trick.

You live for bath time and love to splash around with Beckett!  We're hoping you love the pool as much as the bath ;)

You are the sweetest snuggler, ever! You bring all your favorite dolls and stuffed animals before you crawl into our bed 

Milestones Worth Mentioning:

You're a little peanut (19.5 lbs) and you just out grew your 6-12 month outfits.

You just popped your 4th molar and you now have 12 teeth in all!  I got to count them after you sunk them into my shoulder about a month back.  Stinker.

You outgrew your very first pair of shoes.  Truth be told, you probably outgrew them some time ago... but the leather has grown with your feet a little and I got about an extra month out of them ;)

& while we're on the topic of shoes, you LOVE shoes.  You get really frustrated trying to put them on and already pick out the pair you want.  In fact, if I select a different pair of shoes for you to wear after you've got your hands on a pair, you'll throw a hell of a fit.  I thought I had some time before you started picking out your outfits lol

The words you use most are:  "mama" "dada" "b" "wow" & "boo".  As I mentioned above, you're pretty quiet and you only speak when you want to.

You are my all star sleeper!  You go down at 7:30, wake at 7:30, Nap from 10-12 and then from 3-5.  And just like mama, you don't like having your sleep interrupted.  You're also very stubborn and refuse to sleep anywhere but your own bed. 

You and Beckett LOVE the zoo!

You love pointing at the animals and getting to walk with Beckett from exhibit to exhibit, 

but your favorite part of the day is the carousel. You would ride it all day if I'd let you! 

You also went to the museum and had your first adventure at the pool! 

Ellia Belle, we love you more each day!  Your spunky personality is one of a kind and you keep us on our toes each and every day.  It's such a joy to watch you grow into the beautiful little lady you're destined to be :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Summer Love

It's been pretty darn rainy in CO & this is the first weekend all year that we've been able to spend in the sun! 

On Saturday we set up in our back yard.  Our friend Ashley came over and we sipped beergaritas while the kids (and dogs) splashed on a splash pad we picked up at Target!
Learning a thing or two from Norman
They pick up all their best tricks from the dogs ;)

On Sunday we met up with friends at the pool.  Beckett could hardly contain his excitement over the flamingo!  (and neither could I)  We blew that thing up months ago and have been dying to use it! 

We finished Sunday with a little trip to the park.  

The kids are at the sweetest ages right now and we're loving that they appreciate being out in the sun as much as we do! We can't wait for more weekends just like this one all Summer long!