How far along? 26 weeks!
Total weight gain: 13 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but my favorite white shorts are starting to feel tight so I might have to bust some out soon!
Stretch marks? Not yet! My stomach feels so stretched, I feel like I might get some!
Sleep: I have trouble going to sleep, but once I'm asleep I'm generally out for the count :) I hope this lasts!
Best moment this week: Going to the One Republic concert at Red Rocks was certainly a highlight! And holy ravioli am I out of shape... I thought I was going to die while walking up the insane number of stairs to the theater.
Another highlight is baby girls increase in movements. When I first started feeling her movements, I was feeling them all the time... and then out of no where, they stopped & I would only feel about 1 tiny nudge a day. This went on for about a week & sent my anxiety through the roof, but it turns out her positioning was at fault and now she's now wiggled her way back to the front of my belly, so I feel her all the time :) Nothing feels more amazing than little baby kicks!
Another highlight is baby girls increase in movements. When I first started feeling her movements, I was feeling them all the time... and then out of no where, they stopped & I would only feel about 1 tiny nudge a day. This went on for about a week & sent my anxiety through the roof, but it turns out her positioning was at fault and now she's now wiggled her way back to the front of my belly, so I feel her all the time :) Nothing feels more amazing than little baby kicks!
Miss Anything? Not really :)
Movement: Look above^^
Food cravings: Lemonade (but I try to stay away from it since it gives me crazy heartburn), Raspberry Lemonade Gatorade (I buy Albertson's out of this flavor weekly... surprised they haven't started stocking more.) & Starbucks (Michael hates this craving... and he also hates that my drink takes an hour to order... Venti, iced, soy, half caf, 3 pump white mocha. YUM)
Anything making you queasy or sick: It's random. I'll love something one day and hate it the next.
Gender: Little Lady
Labor Signs: No.
Symptoms: Headaches and crazy idigestion. Tums are my BFF.
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I would say happy, but I'm sure Michael would say moody haha
Looking forward to: Picking out goodies for your room little Jellybean! Also getting excited for my first craft show this year coming up in October!