Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Beckett's 14 Months!

So I want to continue doing some updates for B and loved this little survey I saw over at the Little Baby Garvin blog.

Age: 14 Months!

Stats: 21.8 lbs

Clothes: 12-18 months

Favorite Foods: WATERMELON & sweet potato... You could eat both all day long, especially watermelon :)  You pretty much love all fruit & of course green beans :)  

Your favorite meal of the day, or so I would like to think, is breakfast.  You NEVER turn down breakfast food!  Waffles, cheerios, fruit, pancakes, oatmeal, and sometimes I even share some of my Kashi cereal, but your fav breakfast food of all is yogurt.  You'll eat it alone or you'll eat it with cheerios, waffles, pancakes, or fruit :)

Favorite Words: Daddy, Lola (which is the only dog name you know... we aren't certain if you know which dog is Lola, or if you refer to all the dogs as Lola) Woof, and Mum... Although you only say Mum when I'm not around.  For example, you'll yell it if I leave a room or through the baby moniter, but if I ask you to say Mama, you often reply with 'Dada!' or 'Lola!'... You little boog ;)

Favorite Activities: You absolutely love to play outside!  

Whether it's in the backyard with your water table or an outing to the pool, you eat up your time outdoors!  Chipmunking watermelon in your cheeks has definitely become a favorite of yours... You think it's so funny :)  You also love playing "I'm gonna get cha!", dancing, babbling, giving snuggles & meeting/playing with other kids

Least Favorite Activities: Diaper changes... baby, you hate sitting still and changing your diaper is truly an art.  
You also hate saying good bye.  Whether it's watching your Parents, Grandparents, or your Aunts/Uncles leave, it always devastates you to say bye!  
Lately you've also grown to loathe your car seat.  It makes for some rather unpleasant car rides. 

Favorite Things: You still love Sophie :)  you love vroooming your GoCar around, reading Tickle Tickle Peter, reading period, you LOVE the Bubble Guppies (you throw your hands up and laugh every time I turn them on), your toothbrush (your Great Aunt Susie will love this!) chasing the dogs, hanging in your swing, and anything outside!  And I have to say, one of the highlights of your day is when daddy walks in the door from work!  Your face lights up the second you hear his car pull up, it's the sweetest thing ever!

Signature Moves: Cutest Laugh Ever!  You really have the sweetest laugh I've ever heard & your laugh makes everyone else laugh :) 

I guess another would be your laid back personality, people comment on it constantly!  
& I would have to say your sweet snuggles :) 

Mom's 'Proudest' Moment: I haven't told anyone this... and I'm sure I'll regret writing it here, but momma tripped and yelled "sh*t".  You looked right up at me and repeated it back.  Whoops!  Thankfully, you haven't said it since... that anyone's noticed ;)

Dad's 'Proudest' Moment: Daddy let you help feed the dogs, and while doing so, you decided to try the food they love so very much.  BARF

Other Milestones: You understand so much more than we realize!  For example, if I ask you where your sippy is, you'll run & get it!  
You also use your fork & spoons like a pro!  Sometimes you get a little fed up if your food doesn't cooperate and stay put on said utensil, so you'll chuck it to the dogs and use your hands ;)  
You are so so independent.  You strive to do just about anything on your own and don't appreciate unwanted help!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Beckett's First Year

1 Year Old!

Beckett Bean,
Baby boy you are ONE!  What a wonderful adventure this last year has been!  Before you were born we tried so hard to imagine what our lives would be like once you entered the world & now it’s difficult to remember what our lives were like before.  You have brought purpose & so much happiness to your daddy and I, and I speak for us both when I say we cannot wait to watch you grow for the years to come!
When I was pregnant, I pictured how you would grow, what the first year would be like and boy did you exceed my expectations!  Baby, you are so down to earth, yet so eager to learn and your curiosity grows a little more every day.  Your smile is beyond infectious and your laugh, even more so.  
This year sped by, my sweet boy, and we’ve enjoyed soaking up every second of it.  May this next year be as amazing as your first, you deserve it!
Love Momma & Daddy

Weight: 19ish lbs


Clothing size: 6-12 & 12-18 in some outfits

Diaper size: Medium in Charlie Banana's.  

Feeding: Honey, you eat just about everything under the sun!  You aren't a huge fan of sweets though, so while you enjoy the occasional nibble of frozen yogurt, a popsicle or cake, you certainly wouldn't choose it over fresh fruit or veggies. 

Milestones: You are talking up a storm.  Your favorite word (and first for the matter) was 'woof'.  You also say, Mum, Mom, Dada, Lola, Coco, and Hi.  You also mastered opening the dog kennel, that's a milestone right? 

Loves: Morning snuggles.  You snuggle with me for a good 30 minutes every morning and I absolutely love it :)  
You also think it's absolutely hilarious when I scold you and say 'No'.  Yup.  You laugh.  Seems you're pretty light hearted like your daddy.  You also love playing outside & find an endless amount of joy in digging through flowerpots.  You are an animal lover just like your momma :)  You love Grandma Jojo's kitty and you want to pet every dog you meet (which we need to work on.  Not all dogs are as friendly as ours!)  Your favorite stuffy is your jelly cat fox, but your all time favorite toy is one of the 'dirty dogs' bath toys... In fact, you sleep with it ;)
You LOVE when daddy gets home from work.  And I love it, because you get the silliest, cutest, biggest smile :)

Dislikes: You still have some separation anxiety.  You've become much more shy around strangers in that you don't want them touching you (mommy doesn't want them to touch you either, but some people have no boundaries).  You also don't let just anyone hold you anymore.  They have to be a familiar face or take the time to earn your trust.  Nonetheless, you still smile to everyone we come by.  You also dislike having your diaper changed.  Daddy has had to restrain you while mommy changes you & it is no easy task. 

Adventures: Not much.  You love adventuring out in Grammy & Grandpa's backyard.  You're no longer fearful of grass and you are extremely fascinated by their pond, which is causing a lot of worry for us all.  Looks like we need to get some fencing up ASAP!

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: A baby monitor.  Since we've moved into Grammy & Grandpa's, we can't hear down in the basement.  But that's about it :)

We love you Beckett!  
And we can't wait to spend the next few days celebrating you and your first year of life!  

11 Months:
Beckett, you are ONE month away from ONE.  How can this possibly be?  Wasn't it just yesterday we we brought you home from the hospital??  I know I say it every month, but this month was my absolute favorite :) You are sooooo a momma's boy & I love it!  You are so snuggly, so smiley, and just plain sweet :) We love you bean and we are blown away by the amazing little boy you're turning into!



Clothing size: 6-12 & 12-18 in some outfits

Diaper size: Medium in Charlie Banana's.  

Feeding: Kid can eat!  Your eating habits are basically the same as last month. 

Milestones: You, mister, are walking!  Taking steps left and right!  You also said mama for the first time!  It was only one time, but exciting nonetheless :)  Your official first word, that you understand the meaning of, is 'WOOF'.  In fact, woofing with and at the dogs has become one of your favorite things to do, holy cute!  Although, you don't seem to care as much about talking as you do walking and exploring!  Your curiosity blooms a little more everyday.  We love watching you grow and expand your mind!
You still haven't started waving or clapping, but you give one hell of a high five  ;)

Loves: Snuggles!  You are the best snuggler around :) You also love dancing to our favorite song, "Wagon Wheel" by Darius Rucker.  You also bust a move when we play "It's Time" by Imagine Dragons, "Chicken Fried" by Zac Brown Band and "Country Girl" by Luke Bryan.  I think it's safe to say you have your momma's taste in music!

Dislikes: Separation anxiety has officially shown its face.  You've always been down to earth and as long as you see a familiar face, you're fine.  But according to Grammie, when we dropped you off to go to a Rockies game you got very upset when we left.  Break my heart!  At least we know you're in good hands, even if you miss us a little :)

Adventures: 1 year photos!  We can't wait to share them with you all!  You also did a photo shoot for Rumparooz!  Which momma loves since we got 5 free diapers out of it ;)

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: You battled one hell of a cold this month!  Hyland's cold tablets, Vicks plug in, and Vicks rub have made it a little easier to get through :) 

10 Months:
Is it just me or did this month go by exceptionally fast?  Good lord, baby boy you are going to be ONE in 2 months!



Clothing size: 6-12 & I've started mixing in some 12-18 month.  12-18 month is still a bit big... So hopefully you grow a lot over the next 2 months so you fit in the birthday outfit I just bought you!

Diaper size: Medium in Charlie Banana's.  

Feeding: Little man, you're down to just 3 bottles a day!  
between 7:00-8:00am 6 oz when you wake up
9:00am big breakfast yogurt & cheerio's or yogurt & waffles generally
12:00 lunch
3:00 6 oz
6:00 dinner 
(one of your new fav is turkey meatballs and you LOVED your first corned beef & cabbage dinner.)
Between 8:00-9:00 6-8oz before bed

Milestones: You officially have your balance, which means that we need to plan your 1 year pictures ASAP!  You are SO close to saying mama.  You call for me by making an mmmm sound.  You still haven't mastered waving or clapping, I think it's because you have your sights set on walking ;)  If you take after your daddy (and Uncle Tait) you'll be walking by the end of the month!

Loves: Hearing daddy walk up our stairs to the front door is one of your favorite parts of the day.  You crawl to the door as fast as humanly possible & reach to him to pick you up, it is so stinkin’ sweet :)  You also love after dinner play time with daddy!
 You are the happiest little guy I have ever met!  Your laugh could light up the darkest room!  When we went to Grammies this past weekend you sat in the backseat & giggled your heart out watching Chewy and Charlie jump back & forth between the trunk & backseat.  You are going to be an animal lover just like your parents :)

Dislikes: Teething has certainly been a dislike of mine.  You have 3 teeth about to poke through. THREE.  Which means we've battled countless blowouts, outfit changes, insane diaper rash and of course a serious case of the fussies.  Hoping you get a bit of a break after these teeth poke through!

Adventures: We went sledding for the first time and celebrated your first St. Patties Day!

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: Baby Tylenol & Hylands Teething Tablets.  You have 3 teeth that look like they could come through at any moment!  We also reverted back to disposable diapers a little bit this month.  Whoever said teething doesn't cause diarrhea and diaper rash is an idiot.  And while I've had no complaints about cloth diapering, they just weren't containing the insanity going on down there.  After having to change your outfit upwards of 5 times one day, I went out and bought some disposables.  They contain the craziness a little better. 

Beckett bean, this past month has been by far my favorite!  You are the light of our lives and watching you grow just gets better and better :)  

9 Months:
My good gracious baby!  Another month has come and gone.  You are 3 short months away from your first birthday & you better believe I've been planning like crazy.  Baby boy, thank you thank you thank you for the best 9 months we could have ever dreamed of.  You truly are the light of our lives.  Not only can your smile light up a room, your adorable laugh is beyond infectious.  We love you sweet Beckett Bean, and we can't wait to soak up every ounce of the next few months of your very first year.

Weight: 19.2 lbs  

Clothing size: 6-12... but cloth diapers make your tush huge, so we could probably do 18 month pants no problem!

Diaper size: Medium in Charlie Banana's.  

Feeding: Little man, you're down to just 3 bottles a day!  
7:00-8:00am 4 oz when you wake up
9:00am big breakfast
12:00 lunch
3:00 6 oz
6:00 dinner!  You generally eat whatever we're having!  
9:00 8oz before bed
Sweet Bean, you LOVE blueberries, waffles (I use Pamela's mix, it's bomb), pears, apples, mango, GREEN BEANS (I swear you could live off of them) peas (only if they're whole, you refuse to eat them mashed up), Brussels sprouts, corn, butternut squash, quinoa, rice, beans and you just recently started enjoying avocado.  You'll eat chicken or turkey when I make it & I also make you mac & cheese, quesadilla's, or noodles on occasion. 

Milestones: Oh my good gracious, baby boy, you will be walking before we know it.  You walk across the floor with your walker all the time & you're starting to get your balance. 
 Your only words are ba and blah.  You've said mama a few times, but when I get really excited and repeat it back to you, you'll laugh and yell, "BA" back at me haha
You're a stubborn little booger... just like your momma ;)

Loves: What doesn't this kid love?  Your favorite 'toy' is our remote.  We've actually removed the batteries from 3 separate remotes so you have a little variety, ha!  

Bath time is definitely a favorite!  You could splish & splash all night long!  Also, you absolutely LOVE Finding Nemo.  I let you watch it in the morning while I feed & take out the dogs and make breakfast.

Dislikes: Bedtime & nap time.  You fight sleep like no other!  You're pretty much over your jumperoo, but you will sit in it while watching Nemo in the mornings.  You also dislike that the stairs are barricaded... You've managed to completely pull down our gates on several occasions.  

Adventures: Nothing particularly exciting, but you did play in the snow for the first time ever!  You loved it... not only did you attempt to eat it, you smashed your face in it as hard as you could, which you thought was hilarious... Possibly practicing for your smash cake??   

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: Teething supplies.  I know I've said it before, but Hylands teething tablets are an absolute must.  You've popped 2 teeth in a week and a half and is you're well on your way to popping a third!

8 Months:
This month has gone by the fastest of all.  I just cannot believe it.  I can't believe that you are 3/4 of the way to being 1 year old.  You are crawling, zooming up stairs, standing up, and YOU SAID YOUR FIRST WORD (some believe blah doesn't count as a first word... cough Uncle Tait cough :) but daddy & I say it counts!)

This past month has been amazing.  You, sweet guy, are truly a blessing.  There isn't a person out there that doesn't stop to greet you.  I swear our grocery trips take twice as long because of it.  Everyone wants to meet Mr. Smiles.

Weight: 19.4 lbs

Clothing size: 6-12!  

Diaper size: Size 3.  Momma has a guilty conscience about the amount of disposable diapers we've gone through so we've ordered some cloth ones to try.  We will be making the transition over the next month. 

Feeding: I've started making your food.  We have moved on from purees to solid foods, because you, little mister, are ALL about feeding yourself.  You love apples, green beans, broccoli and sweet potato.  You aren't a fan of peas... In fact you actively despise them, but when I mask them with apples or apple juice you don't mind them. 

Milestones: You are officially mobile!  As in daddy turned his head for a few seconds and you crawled up the stairs!  We've barricaded you in the living room with our ottoman, as you've already managed to break and get past the gates I bought.  You've also attempted to take a few steps after you've pulled yourself up!  It's only a matter of time until you're walking!  Maybe you will at 10 months like daddy :) Baby boy, you said your first word!  BLAH! :)  

And I'm not sure if you can count this as a milestone, but today for the first time I said the big N O and you laughed at me... And the most terrible part is that I couldn't help but laugh back!

Loves: I know I've said it before, but you LOVE Charlie.  You two are trouble!  And watching you play with him is possibly one of the cutest thing I've ever witnessed :) I have yet to catch it on video.  You also love straws, blowing bubbles in my water, mommy & daddy's iPhones, remotes, dog toys (this month I caught him teething on rawhide, barf!) and getting your hands on anything we try to keep away from you!

Dislikes: You hate being put in your highchair.  You scream and kick as we place you in it.  Why?  We have no idea.  As soon as you have food in front of you, you're as happy as can be.
You're also not a fan of naptime.

Adventures: You celebrated your first Christmas and your first New Year!  This month you had your second little photo shoot for a Valentines Day Photography Ad.  You were the perfect little model & smiled the whole way through!

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: Hyland's teething tablets!  Baby boy, you are sooo close to popping your first tooth.  We've also begun and are constantly baby proofing, because you, little man, are getting into EVERYTHING.

7 Months:
This month has been the most amazing to date!  You are sitting, almost crawling & as personable as ever!  People always stop to say hi & you never fail to return them with a smile.  We love you so much baby boy and can't believe you're past the 6 month mark!  We can't wait to continue to watch you grow!

Weight: big boy is 19 lbs

Clothing size: 6-12!  

Diaper size: 3

Feeding: Feeding is the same is last month, except now you eat 2 tbsp of cereal in the morning & night and a whole pack of fruits or veggies!  We've also introduced you to puffs... & they are delicious... if I do say so myself ;)

Milestones: Well, it's safe to say you've survived your first end of the world :)
You are sitting all by yourself & you will be crawling in a matter of days!  

You also had your first boo boo, which about sent me over the deep end.  You attempted to pull yourself up on our TV stand, lost your grip & in the process sliced your finger and bashed your head against the wood.  You cried for two minutes, I cried for an hour.

Also, I SWEAR you said hi to me today...  You had just finished a nap and I when I walked into your room I said, "Hi Beckett!" & you looked at me and said "Hi!" But... You've refused to say it since.  Maybe a coincidence... Maybe not :)  

Last but not least, you had your longest sleep over yet.  When daddy had his surgery you spent a full 3 days and 2 nights with your Grandma Jojo!  We missed you like crazy, but Gram says you had a great time. 

Loves: You are one happy little baby.  You love snuggles, scooting around the floor, playing airplane, petting the dogs, going to your grandparents and putting everything in sight into your mouth :)  You still LOVE your jumperoo.  You love it when I whisper you to sleep & when I rub my fingers through your hair.  I swear, having your hair played with puts you to sleep in a matter of seconds and has since the day you were born. You love when your daddy makes funny faces at you, in fact, I'm pretty sure you think he's the funniest person in the world... And guess what, I do too :)

Dislikes: There's not a lot you don't like.  This month we moved you into a new car seat & you are much happier sitting upright.  You were sooo over your infant seat.  You also dislike waiting for your food to be made... you are one impatient little guy, you get that from your daddy!  & you dislike watching other people eat if you have nothing to eat yourself, so we give you puffs to keep you occupied at dinner time ;)

Adventures: You have celebrated your first Thanksgiving and your first Hanukkah!  We also went to Turks & Caicos, you had a blast :)  You LOVED splashing around in the pool, maybe you'll be a swimmer like mommy!  
We also went to see Santa!

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: You've been amazing this past month... So there's not much for me to list here other than your halo sleep sack.  It keeps you nice & cozy so you don't get cold :)  We are also very happy to have our baby gates up, you are moving around like a champ!

May I also note that our photo shoots are becoming more and more difficult... You don't like sitting still anymore :)
We love you baby boy!  And may next month be as amazing as the last 7! 

6 Months:
"When a child is born, so is a mom."
Sweet baby boy, we have grown so much over the past 6 months.  You are learning new things everyday, and believe it or not, I am too.  You are the highlight of your daddies and I's life.  Your smile makes us smile, and could light up the darkest room.  You, sweet boy, are half way to being 1 year old & we can't believe it.  May the next 6 months be as amazing as the last :)

Weight: 17lbs 4oz

Height: 26 1/2 inches

Clothing size: You are out of just about all your 3-6 month clothing & you are wearing 9 month & 6-12 month clothing. 

Diaper size: 3

Feeding: Alright here we go:  
6 am 4 oz bottle
9am 1 tbsp cereal, 1 oz fruit, 2 oz bottle
12pm 4-6 oz bottle
3pm 4-6 oz bottle
6pm 1 tbsp cereal, 1 oz veggies, 2 oz bottle
9pm 6-8 oz bottle

Milestones: You are pretty much holding your own bottle & ALMOST sitting up on your own.  You are 100% sleeping in your crib & you FINALLY have a routine down!

Loves: Morning snuggles, APPLES, & snuggles with Charlie.

Dislikes: Nap time, & you hate peaches... Since I have them, I've tried to sneak them into your meals & you figure it out no matter what & boy, do you let me know you're not happy.

Adventures: I was shopping at Right Start & the woman at the checkout couldn't believe how cute you were.  And that's how you were chosen for a Right Start photo shoot!  At the shoot you were the only one that didn't have a meltdown, momma was so proud!  And you are about to go on your biggest adventure yet, you are traveling to Caribbean for a week long vacation :) You also went to your first pumpkin patch and celebrated your first Halloween! 

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: You've been amazing this past month... So there's not much for me to list here other than your halo sleep sack.  It keeps you nice & cozy so you don't get cold :)

How Beckett Became Our Silly Little Mongoose:
One morning, a few days before Beckett was born, I awoke to some incredibly sharp movements.  After a few jolts, Beckett stopped moving & I got worried.  I got up and drank some juice with hopes would make him active, so I knew he was okay.  A few minutes past without a budge, so I shook Michael awake to tell him what happened.  He rolled towards me and very sleepily said, "don't worry... everything will be okay... you're a silly mongoose," and then he fell back asleep.  Seconds after that, Beckett kicked and I was reassured he was fine.  
And that is how he became our Silly Little Mongoose :)

5 Months
Today our little mongoose is 5 months old!  Baby boy, watching you grow these past few months has been nothing short of amazing.  You become more handsome by the day and you're looking more and more like your daddy!  You are so happy and smile at everyone that stops to meet you :)  You love your toys, you chew on them, talk to them & sometimes throw them across the room.  You are amazing little man and we love you more and more every day :)

Weight: About 17 lbs

Clothing size: 3-6 & some 6-9 month

Diaper size: wearing some 2's & 3's 

Feeding: 6:00am: 4oz milk. 
9:00am: 2-4oz milk, 1tbs of oatmeal cereal, 1oz of fruit
noon: 6oz
4:00pm: 6oz
6:30pm: 2-4oz milk, 1 tbs oatmeal cereal, 1 oz veggies.  
 9:30pm: 6-8oz milk

Milestones: Sleeping in your crib (!) Eating solids, you love green beans and apples & dislike peaches and peas.  You had your first bath in the bathtub & loved it.  You are soo close to holding your own bottle, you’re trying so hard!  & sweet boy found his toesies this month and you’re trying very hard to sit up by yourself!

Loves: Your jumparoo.  That thing definitely makes my top 5 baby items.  You also love talking, kicking your legs, rolling around (unless you get stuck on your tummy), all your toys, pulling out mommies hair, playtime, meal time, puppy kisses, & good morning snuggles.

Dislikes: Tummy time and waiting to eat!

Adventures: This month we took you to Punkin Chunkin at the Arapahoe County fair grounds, it was freezing.  We were going to do the pumpkin patch that day too, but we've postponed that until this weekend. We also went to the zoo to see all the Sophie’s!

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: Jumparoo, teething toys, & Hyland's teething tablets (doctors aren't kidding when they say teething symptoms can start a few months prior to popping a tooth).

4 Months Old:
Baby, could you be any cuter??  (this needs to be read Chandler Bing style)

Weight: 14 lbs and 11.4 ounces! 

Height: 25 inches!  

Clothing size: 3-6 Month, but you’ll be in 6-12 before we know it!

Diaper size: Size 2 

Feeding: 4-6 oz every 3 hours and we have the go ahead on rice cereal!

Milestones: You are full on laughing now and it is adorable!!   You burst into giggles at the doctor’s office and Dr. Tucker was amazed at how animated and personable you are :)
You also slept in your crib for the first time!  Granted, it was only for an hour at nap time... but still! :)

Loves: Being tickled, good morning snuggles, hanging in your Bumbo, and jumping in your jumperoo!

Dislikes: High chair... so far you’re not a fan. 

Nothing too adventurous!  Just visiting family.

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: 
-Hyland's teething tablets and teething gel!
-Jumperoo- you LOVE it.  And it gives me some time to get some chores done :)

3 Months:
Baby you’re getting so big!  You’re smiling, laughing, and growing a little more every day :) 

Weight: Around 13 lbs! 

Clothing size: You just started wearing some 3-6 Month!

Diaper size: Size 1 

Feeding:  4 oz every 3 hours

Milestones: TONS of smiles and a little giggle here and there, it’s the sweetest thing ever!  You’re also starting to grab at your toys in your play gym.  Since last month I'm pretty sure you’ve forgotten how to roll over LOL you still hate tummy time, but I guess you’re not so miserable that you try to roll to your back?

Loves: Snuggles, bath time, playing in your Jumperoo… & we are so excited for you to be able to sit in your bumbo soon! 

Dislikes: You really dislike tummy time… And you’re really not a fan of naps.

Adventures: You went to your first Rockies game!  And like past months, we went out to dinner a few times and went to the pool.

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: Your new activity gym, you LOVE it.  One of our best purchases yet :) I was a little worried about having it on the floor with the dogs, but they all leave you alone.  Still loving the nap nanny, gripe water, and our aden + anais swaddle blankets. 

2 Month:
My baby is 2 months old!  2 MONTHS OLD!  Sweet little bean, you have changed and grown so much in the past 2 months and I can't help but feel excited to watch you grow and meet upcoming milestones over this next year :)

Weight: 11 lbs and 6 oz!  Baby boy went from being the 20th percentile to the 50th! 

Height: 22 inches putting him in the 30th percentile :)

Clothing size: 0-3 months   

Diaper size: Size 1 

Feeding:  Breastfeeding didn’t come naturally to us, after 2 months of constant struggles and an unhappy baby, we decided to try formula.  Baby, your tummy was happier with the formula and it seems we made the right decision by making the switch. Right now you are eating 4 oz every 3 hours, excluding nights.  You sleep anywhere from 10-12pm until 5-6am, eats and then sleep 5-6am until 8-10am and then eat.

Milestones: You’re rolling over!  It’s certainly early for you to have met this milestone, so we’ll have to keep a close eye on you! You’re also giving us lots of smiles! :)

Loves: Being held, bath time, reading books, tummy time and snuggles!

Dislikes: You aren’t 
 too crazy about your bouncer or your swing, 
but you will sit in them now without screaming in the first 5 minutes so that's a plus :) 

And I have to add a dislike of Charlie's... 
Charlie HATES it when you cry; it makes him so sad!  
He will sit and cry with you and has even barked at me if he thinks I'm being negligent!  Looks like you two will soon be BFF's! 

Adventures: You had your first walk along the highline canal.  
You also accompanied us on lots of outings to dinner with grandparents.  & you had your first outing to the pool.

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: NAP NANNY :))

1 Month:
I cannot believe that just one month ago you were born!  This past month has literally flown by.  As excited as I am to watch you grow, I do wish time would slow down just a little bit! :)

Weight: 8 pounds 12 ounces

Height: 21 inches

Clothing size: NB, although you’re getting pretty long for your Jammie’s, you’ll be in 0-3 before we know it!

Diaper size: NB 

Feeding: Sleeping through the night did not last, unfortunately.  So you’re still eating every 2 during the day and every 3 hours midnight to 9.  
BUT our Nap Nanny arrived today and I can't wait to try it out! According to other mommy reviews, infants sleep 6-8 hours in it!

Milestones: You are a strong little booger!  You’re doing amazing holding your head up and you love to stand up and lock your legs.

Loves: As long as you are being held, you’re one happy guy :)  Such a little snuggler & I love it!

Dislikes: Gas.  And being set down!

Adventures:  We went to Parker days... it was pretty boring, but we did walk by Champ Bailey, which was cool haha 

You also got to meet and visit your honorary Great Grandpa Curly in hospice this week.  It's such a blessing that Curly was able to meet and love on little B.

Mommy and Daddy could not get through the month without: Gripe water for an upset tummy and the boogy sucker for your sniffy nose.

Birth Story:
On the 15th, I went the whole day feeling bummed that Beckett had yet to make his debut.  I was sure he would arrive before his due date and since he hadn't yet, I thought I was in it for the long hall.  I mean seriously, how many babies actually arrive on their due date??  Anyways, that day I was determined to speed things up and with high hopes of inducing labor I devoured a Chipotle Burrito Bowl covered in extra hot sauce, ate almost an entire pineapple, and went on a long walk with the hubs... and there's one more thing the hubs and I did, but I'll leave that up to the imagination. :)

I felt fine the entire day, until we went on our walk at about 7 pm.  During the walk, my stomach began to feel pretty tight, but I didn't think much of it, as false labor had become a nightly occurrence at this point.  An hour or two went by and my stomach became extremely upset, so naturally, I figured the ungodly amount of hot sauce and pineapple I had eaten (not only that day, but days prior) had finally caught up to me.  At about 11:45 pm I told Michael I wasn't feeling well and that I thought I was starting to have contractions.  Instead of rushing to the hospital we agreed to wait and see if things worsened, a decision I would regret later.  My contractions intensified quickly each lasting about 1-2 minutes and occurring every 3-4 minutes.  After making a call to my doctors office, we were instructed to head to the hospital.  I believe this was at about 1 am.  At this point I was in a pretty significant amount of pain.  Seriously, contractions are no walk in the park. 

On our way to the hospital, we dropped off our 4 lovely dogs at my in-laws and then off to the hospital we went, or so I thought... As we got back on the main road Michael informed me was had to go by one of the houses he's building to drop of construction permits.  As you can imagine, I was less than pleased and said something along the lines of, "Are you f***ing kidding me Michael?!"  He assured me he would be quick and since it was on the way.  (I later used this as leverage toward B’s future name ;))  Lucky for Michael, he was indeed quick.  I have trouble remembering the rest of the car ride, because of how uncomfortable I was.  I literally closed my eyes and when I opened them we were pulling up to the hospital...  Which may actually be because my husband was a race car driver in his last life.  Once we arrived, Michael gathered our belongings and we rushed in.  I wasn't able to walk through my contractions so we had to stop and wait each one out.  Lucky for us, we ran into a labor and delivery nurse at the hospital entrance and she was able to get me a wheel chair.

Once in our room the nurse informed me I was completely effaced and still 3 cm dilated (I was dilated 3 cm for 2 or 3 weeks).  Within the next 5 minutes my contractions went from slightly tolerable to completely intolerable.  I remember screaming and begging for the epidural through each one, but they weren't able to do anything until I finished answering some questions and filling out paperwork.  Poor Michael looked beyond terrified.  After about 20 minutes the nurse checked me again, this time telling us that I was dilated 8 cm.  Panic set in.  If our labor was moving this fast, was I going to be able to get the epidural?  In my opinion, the anesthesiologist definitely took his sweet time getting to our room.  He literally took FOREVER, our nurse called down twice to make sure he was still coming.  After what felt like a lifetime, the anesthesiologist finally walked in and prepped me.  He informed me it may hurt and that he was going to do it in between my contractions.  Honestly, it didn't hurt at all.  I didn't feel anything besides a prick similar to that of a shot. The medication took about 25 min to kick in, the nurse said it was because my nerves were so fired up, but once it did kick in, it was smooth sailing.  I actually got a little nap in afterwards :)

After my epidural kicked in, my mom and mother in law kept us company until it was time to deliver.

The epidural seemed to slow down the laboring process and I wasn't dilated 10 cm until about 6 am.  It was pretty uneventful in the time between the epidural and when it was time to push, but we did manage to have some fun..

My nurse informed me that they needed to wait for my doctor and that she wouldn't be in until 7.  So we waited (not really sure how that worked out since I was completely dilated and effaced, but it did) and we took more pictures.

A little before 7 the nurse asked my mom and mother in law to leave and it was time to start pushing.  Pushing lasted about an hour and a half, although it didn't seem quite that long at the time.  Michael was incredibly supportive and all the nursing staff was amazing.

When Beckett was born, the moment literally stood still.
The first thing I recall is the nurse stating, "Whoa!  He has huge hands and feet, he's gonna be a swimmer!!"
As the nurse took B to clean him off before handing him to me, I glanced over at Michael.  He looked so beyond amazed.
The nurse placed Beckett in my arms and I burst into tears.  I've never laid eyes on a more beautiful baby.  As soon as he was in my arms he stopped crying and just gazed at Michael and I.  It was absolutely amazing how awake and aware he was.  Beckett's birthday is hands down the best day of my life :)

The next few days at the hospital were spent oodling over our handsome baby boy.  
Taking him home was so surreal, and exciting.  It was still hard to grasp that we were actually parents!

My mom and sister decorated for Baby B's homecoming, so sweet of them!

Beckett is such a blessing; Michael, Beckett and I could not be happier as a family of 3! 
(more like a family of 7 haha)

Beckett’s Birth:

Beckett Richard Alpert was born promptly on his due date, May 16th at 9:11 am

He's 7 lbs 4 ounces, 20 inches long, and looks just like his daddy!

B is such an amazing baby and we are so in love with him :)
Be back soon to share details of his birth and our first few days with him!